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- by EPYX, Inc
- 1043 Kiel Court
- Sunnyvale, Ca. 94089
- Reviewed by: Hautzener 79756
- JET COMBAT SIMULATOR picks up where
- F15 STRIKE EAGLE left off (i.e,
- landing and taking off). The game
- play mainly consists of engaging and
- shooting down an enemy aircraft
- before it has a chance to destroy
- your four bases. This sounds a lot
- easier than it is because the F15 is
- not only hard to control, but
- sighting the enemy airplane is
- extremely difficult. Plus you can
- only shoot at it with your main guns;
- no missiles.
- Fortunately, you do have a map mode
- which gives your position in
- reference to your four bases and the
- position of the enemy aircraft plus
- you have a radar screen which gives
- your heading, the distance and
- azimuth to the enemy airplane (or to
- a selected ground beacon). You are
- not, however, given the fancy sight
- for spotting far off aircraft as is
- found in F15 STRIKE EAGLE.
- The best part of this simulation is
- that you must actually land your F15
- on a runway (and come to a complete
- stop to refuel and rearm) in addition
- to taking off.
- Taking off is easy; just give it
- fuel thrust, keep the F15 aligned
- down the runway, and once your speed
- exceeds 130 knots, haul back on the
- stick and off you go into the wild
- blue yonder.
- Landing is the hard part. The game
- does have a landing practice mode
- which makes landing easier to
- practice. The easiest way I found to
- land was to apply full flaps, get my
- altitude down to 5 feet, and when the
- F15 crosses the runway's threshold,
- chop power, apply the brakes, and
- pray.
- EPYX must not believe in letting
- people take the easy way out 'cause
- there is no eject button. You only
- get one chance.
- One last item-- EPYX uses their
- fast loader with J.C.S. which loads
- the game in under 20 seconds. If you
- listen closely when it's loading, you
- can hear the stepper motor click off
- one track every second. This makes
- loading the game a pleasure because
- you don't have to wait a lifetime to
- play.
- ----------<end of reveiw>------------